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Penn State’s Journey from Great to Greater

by | Sep 13, 2024

I hope you had the opportunity to tune in to our virtual update, titled “From Great to Greater: Achieving Purpose, Agility and Opportunity at Penn State” on September 12. As we begin a new academic year, I wanted to provide our community with an update to share more about our efforts to transform Penn State.

In advance of the event, we shared the following video that shows the connections among the changes that have taken place and highlights how these efforts are intended to help build a thriving future in support of students.

Together, Interim Executive Vice President and Provost Tracy Langkilde, Senior Vice President for Research Andrew Read and Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses and Executive Chancellor Margo DelliCarpini and I discussed the latest updates happening across the University in academics, student support, research and at our campuses.

As we shared during the event, we also plan to host additional conversations later this fall to engage in Q&A with staff, faculty and students on our vision for research and transformation at the Commonwealth Campuses. Please stay tuned for additional information about these events.

If you didn’t have the chance to tune in, I encourage you watch the recording and read more in Penn State News. As always, you can share your questions and feedback about our ongoing change and transformation initiatives on this website.

